Work-life balance Myth !
One of the questions I receive a lot is , How to have a work-life balance ?
The answer to this question is very difficult specially in a very competitive markets and workspaces , where employees needs to work more , study more , stay up to date more and more ..
I usually answer with couple of thoughts , as surely I don’t have the 100% correct answer , as it’s relative people type of jobs , lives , circumstances , etc ..
Couple of Thoughts i share :
- There is nothing called Work-Life balance
Work is a crucial part of life , they are integrated together , you can’t balance between them , You will either hate work or life ,you will see them as two contradicting goals, as you will see either work impacting your life , or life is holding your career back.
So you cant balance between them, But you can integrate them , as you see work as a blessing , purpose , part of your life, way to make a living. When you accept the fact that work is part of life you will remove the tension happening when you try to balance between two contradicting goals.
- Try to be task oriented not Time oriented
People mistake activities for achievement , so they might be thinking how to spend the 8 working hours , not achieving the results needed in the most efficient way , and shortest time possible.
When you are Task oriented , you might be able to master your tasks, by time you will need less effort & time to deliver the same quality. So by being efficient , you are buying yourself some free time at work.
If you are loaded with other tasks , the good news that you are being more important in your organization , and in normal situations you would be eligible to take the next step in your career .
- Master Atomic Habits
Master Atomic Habits , Read the book ( I didnt read it all yet ) but by experience i used to do very small rituals that makes me feel alive. For example i love reading , so i read paragraph daily , in 10 minutes. It keeps me alive , and i feel that i have time to do stuff i like.
I hear podcasts in commute time.
I listen to music while working whenever possible.
There are a lot of stuff you can do , in very short time , that will make you feel alive.
- Wake up early
Sleeping around 6 hours for me is enough , it allows me to play tennis , have a morning run , play piano , study anything before starting the day . And this makes me also feel alive. And feels that work is not taking over my life
- Eliminate Waste
This point is very important , yet i didnt master yet , still practicing it. My goal is to consume every wasted time into something productive , Watching a movie for me is productive compared to just scrolling social media , or studying something , doing a habit , finishing some tasks . Just eliminate wasted time , and add activities either work or stuff that makes you alive.